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Local produce

We try to support local business, by getting a large part of our produce from famers close to our restaurants. Thus, we connect these local farmers with the community


Organic Produce

Whenever it is not possible to guarantee local produce, we ensure that the products are national, quality, respect the environment and help to develop rural areas


Animal wellbeing

We work hand in hand with our breeders and ensure that all the proteins you will eat at Begin will be Animal Wellbeing, except the Plant-based ones of course :)

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Local and organic produce

Most of the plant-based ingredients used in our dishes are harvested and collected by local farmers in the surrounding areas of our restaurants

Whenever this is not possible, due to climate conditions or more endemic ingredients, we try to ensure that ingredients which are not local, are at least national and are grown in plantations that respect the planet and which maintain a balance with their environment. The most important thing for us to guarantee the quality of our products and work hand in hand with our farmers to connect the best products with the communities around our restaurants.

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Animal wellbeing

Since starting this project, we realised that we didn´t feel completely comfortable with the production processes in the animal protein industry.

Therefore, we have ensured that all the non-plant proteins you will find at Begin, without exception, comply with the guidelines established by WOAH on Animal Wellbeing regarding freedom and correct feeding based on grazing.

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Genesis project


Our values

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