We are really delighted that you want to enjoy the Begin experience.
To book simply visit the booking section on our website and select the day, time and number of diners. In this section the real availability of the restaurant will appear 🌿
If it is not available on the day you had in mind, you can book another day.
If there is a cancellation, the cancelled table will be automatically freed up and it can be booked through the website like any other booking. We don´t have a waiting list.
Also, we remind you that our outdoor terrace will open very soon, therefore the number of bookings will increase :)
If you want to cancel a booking remember you can do so via the email or sms that you receive when you make the booking.
We hope to see you very soon returning to Origen 😌🌱
If you want to change the day or time of a booking indicate which date and time the original booking was for, as well as the name it was made under.
On the other hand, we need to know the date or time (or both) of the new booking you want. We will try to do what we can, but the change will be subject to availability.
If you want to make a booking bigger indicate which date and time the original booking was for, as well as the name it was made under.
On the other hand, we need to know the new number of diners. We will try to do what we can, but the change will be subject to availability.
Simply contact us via the chat (bottom right) and tell us your queries or comments, we will be delighted to help.
Other questions
At the restaurant we have the complete list of allergens. On the other hand, we have vegan and vegetarian options.
You can view the dishes in the menu section of our website.
To collaborate with us, contact us via this form.
At the moment you cannot bring your furry friends to the restaurant, except to the outdoor terrace where they are more than welcome 🐶
You can ask us any other queries or comments via the contact form or our chat (bottom right).